Anil K. Rajvanshi is an academic from India and is the current Director of the Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI).
Dr. Rajvanshi was born and raised in Lucknow, India. He has been the director of NARI at Maharashtra, India since 1981. Prior to taking this position, he served on the faculty at the University of Florida. Dr. Rajvanshi has more than 35 years of experience in renewable energy research, rural and sustainable development. He has more than 150 publications and 7 patents to his credit.
This is a 5 minutes talk of Dr. Anil Rajvanshi broadcast by All India Radio via 62 channels all over India on 10th January 2019. Here Dr. Rajvanshi sheds light on Gandhi ji’s innovative streak. He was a tinkerer and engineer. He was not anti science
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi discusses the Nature of desire and its origin. He also talks about how we can resolve or sublimate them so as to live a emotionally happy life.
Dr. Rajvanshi talks about his visit to Australia in 2018 with his wife Dr.Nandini Nimbkar to attend the international conference on Leucaena.
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